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Causes and treatment of back pain

“Like you End back pain and stiffness - Without pain relievers,
without risk of surgery and without having to wait for a doctor's visit!

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Get your free low back pain guide If you suffer from back pain, stiffness, or pain, it's very tempting to think it's not something that goes away by itself. Or you simply blame it on an “awkward sleeping position,” or that it's just a “cramp” or stiffness that “everyone” your age suffers from...

There's no obvious reason why it happened — but it doesn't seem to be going away!

If that happens to you, you're not alone — and we hear these kinds of things all the time. In fact, back pain and sciatica are the most common problem we face in our physiotherapy practice in Bonn.

And when it comes to living with back pain, everyone we see wants to know, “Why is this happening to me?” ... or:

“Why am I still suffering from back pain after enduring it for 6 months (maybe even longer)?”?

Most people think that back pain will go away by itself once it has occurred.

That they wake up one morning and like “magic” it will be as if there had never been back pain... But then, 6 months later, you're still living with back pain — often even worse than it was when you started out.

Does that sound like you?

Another scenario that we see all the time in our physical therapy practice is when people go to the doctor and the doctor advises them to rest and “try those pain relievers” and “see how things go.”

But this is rarely the best advice and they often go back to the doctor 6 weeks later because it hasn't gotten any better. Even worse, they often get a prescription for even stronger pills and are advised to rest MORE. This is amazing and explains why so many people over 50 are struggling with chronic back pain.

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They thought the pain would go away by itself — but it didn't

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You've gone through several doctor visits only to hear that you should “rest” and “take some pain relievers” — then come back to the doctor weeks later, only to be prescribed even more rest and an even stronger dose of pain reliever

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After a referral to a physiotherapist, you had to wait a month for an appointment and then only received a sheet of exercises that did not relieve the pain quickly or did not alleviate the pain at all

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You've tried a few YouTube exercises, but these exercises either didn't do anything or made the pain a lot worse

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They thought it would be a good idea to rest because the pain was so bad, but that only made the affected area stiffer and tighter

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You've been told by a family member or friend that “everyone gets aches and pains in age,” making it easy to accept that it's “a part of life.”

Has anything like this ever happened to you?

Why does back pain last longer than it should? Well it's easy to get confused because you've heard different things from different people. There are lots of people out there who are happy to give advice, but not all are credible.

You might think that your back pain was caused by something — such as lifting objects or an uncomfortable sleeping position — but in reality it was caused by years of poor posture that caused the muscles in your lower back to become weak and the lifting or uncomfortable sleeping position was just a RESULT of that.

Back pain can be really confusing if you don't know what you're doing. For this reason, many people simply accept it as a “part of life,” as if it were normal and “as it is.”

Do you feel the same way?

If you live with back pain, there are 7 more reasons why it Could take longer than it should:

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1. They thought It would disappear by itself — but it didn't

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2. You went to the doctor who advised you to rest and take painkillers — but the pills didn't help your back, and as soon as they subsided, the chronic back pain struck again

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3. A family member or friend Told you that all people get back pain as they get older, so you just accepted it

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4. You have in the past Visited other healthcare providers or a physical therapist, but nothing they said or did seemed to help

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5. You have exercises tried it on YouTube, but they either didn't do anything or made your back pain ten times worse

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6. They thought it was a good idea rest because your back pain was so bad, but that only made it feel even stiffer and more tense

If any of this has happened to you, we'd love to help you by inviting you to a chat with one of our physical therapists at our Good Joints Physiotherapy practice to find out what can be done to help you. The fact that you've already tried some or all of these things is actually GOOD, because when you know what doesn't work — you're closer to finding what it does!

Click the link below to book a call with us if you'd like some solid advice over the phone. The telephone call is free of charge and you are not required to make an appointment with us after the call. Our goal is to help you make the right decision about what you should do next to achieve the best.

“What can I do to get rid of my back pain quickly?”

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1. First, you must make a decision Meet about getting help. So many people put it on the back burner and think that back pain will 'go away by itself over time', but then after 6 months they're still dealing with it and nothing has changed... Or it gets worse.

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2. Next, do the RIGHT exercises - One of the best ways to help you relieve your back pain is to do the right set of advanced exercises - the right exercises given to you by a physical therapist will help reduce pain and allow you to move freely again quickly - and make sure the problems don't come back soon (or put even more strain on your back, as some exercises do)

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3. Avoid sitting and long periods of rest - Have you ever tried to get up from the sofa after a while but have difficulty because your back feels so painful and tight? That's because one of the worst things you can do to make back pain worse is to rest and sit for long periods of time. Too much rest and sitting in awkward positions make your back stiff and tight. It would really help if you received proper strengthening exercises for better posture alongside manual treatment to get you active and healthy as quickly as possible.

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Get real, “hands-on” physical therapy - Physical therapy has been shown to be helpful in helping people with back pain. In fact, in the physiotherapy rooms of Good Joints, it is one of the most common injuries we see. If your back pain is affecting your work, affecting your ability to stay active, threatening your independence, or creating barriers to quality time spent with family and friends — physical therapy can help get you back to the life you deserve as quickly as possible.

If you would like to know how the physiotherapy team from Good Joints Physiotherapy in Bonn can help you live with less back pain - we invite you to a completely free and non-binding consultation with a physiotherapist in our clinic:

So the next question is:

“How can choosing a physiotherapist at Good Joints help you Take control of your back pain to get?”

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We can quickly relieve pain and stiffness — often within a few sessions

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We can help you figure out what's really wrong and diagnose the cause of your back pain — often within 20 minutes.

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Pain can cost you energy and restrict sleep — we can help you sleep well at night and live with more energy each day

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We'll make sure your back pain problem is “corrected” and “cured” — and we'll provide you with the perfect set of exercises that will speed up your recovery

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We can help you stop taking all those pain relievers that are harming your health in the long term

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We can help you avoid dangerous spine surgery and painful injections

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We can help you avoid doctor waiting rooms or avoid repeat visits just to get more pills!

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We can help you get back to enjoying quality time with family and friends that was stolen from you due to back pain

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We can help you finally improve your sleep quality without turning around and looking for the position that feels right.

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We can help you sit more comfortably and walk for more than 15 minutes without making your back feel weak, painful or “giving in”...

In short, we can help you live a life again without the curse of chronic back pain.
If you would like to find out more about the costs and availability of our physiotherapy practice in connection with back pain, please click on the button below and fill out the short form:

“Hear from happy customersGood joint practice for physiotherapy

Take a look at testimonials from people who, just like you, visited the physiotherapy team at Gute Joints and left much healthier and happier in just a few weeks.