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About Good Joints

“We help patients become more active and mobile without painkillers to live a pain-free existence and avoid visiting a doctor”

At Good Joints, we love helping people in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond get back to a life they deserve. A life free from painkillers, where you don't have to worry about bothering your doctor and can do and enjoy all the things you love without the fear of pain holding you back.

When something like chronic pain occurs in the knee, lower back, neck, or shoulders, or when you experience an injury while exercising or working out, it's very tempting to simply ignore it and hope it goes away by itself, with time and rest...

That you wake up one day and how “magical” it will be as if it never happened — but that is usually not the case, and often the pain ends worse than at the beginning. We also know how easy it is to reach into the back of the closet and take painkillers whenever the pain strikes so that it subsides quickly — but all of those painkillers aren't good for your health in the long term and do nothing but mask the pain.

Or maybe you're confused, maybe even skeptical, because you've already sought advice from other health professionals or a physical therapist in the past and nothing they've said or done has helped.

Does it sound familiar to you?

If that applies to you, you're not alone. At the Good Joints practice, we hear that all the time... In fact, people who come to us have often experienced the following:

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The feeling that the pain would go away on its own, but it didn't

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Several visits to the doctor just to hear that you should “rest” and “take painkillers” - then go back to the doctor weeks later, only to be prescribed even more rest and an even stronger dose of pain reliever

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Be on a months-long waiting list after being referred for treatment with a physical therapist and then, after waiting so long, receive a list of exercises that did not relieve pain quickly or at all

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Tried some exercises on YouTube, but either these exercises had no effect at all or made the pain ten times worse

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Thought it would be a good idea to rest because the pain was so bad, but that only caused the affected area to get even stiffer and tighter

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Heard from a family member or friend that “everyone gets aches and pains in old age,” making it easy to accept it as “a part of life.”

Do you know that too?

If any of these situations have happened to you, we'd love to help you by inviting you to schedule a call to talk to one of our physiotherapists at our practice in Bonn and find out what can help you. The fact is that you've already tried some or all of these things, like many people we see, and that's actually GOOD because when you know what doesn't work, you're closer to finding what works!

Click on the link below to schedule a call with us if you would like to receive in-depth advice over the phone. The telephone call is free of charge and there is no obligation to make appointments with us after the interview. Our goal is to help you make the right decision about what's best for you next.

Founded by Ivan Golovko

Physiotherapist, practice owner and author Praxis Gute Gelänge was founded by Ivan Golovko - an author of the book “Myth Back Pain” Through many years of experience, a master's degree in osteopathy and exchange with colleagues from all health disciplines, he has noticed that something is wrong with the healthcare system. Pain problems are treated symptomatically, medically and surgically and without lasting success. He wants to change this with his work.

Ivan has been helping people just like you who want to stay active and be healthy so they can get the most out of life for years to come! We are convinced that people aged 40 and over should have exceptionally better access to excellent care in order to remain active, mobile and free from painkillers.

If you want to know how Gute Joints Physiotherapy can help you live with less pain and feel great again, we invite you to start with a completely free, non-binding and risk-free appointment at one of our clinics

Note: We offer this free trial lesson to people who are very nervous or skeptical about physical therapy — unsure whether it is right for them or what benefits it has. If this applies to you, please start with a free trial lesson so that we can work with you to find out what is wrong and what can be done — without any financial risk on your part.

We love helping people:

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Stay active - So you can run after your kids all day, bring your grandkids to the park with ease, and play a round of golf, run, or go for a walk whenever it's convenient for you

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Stay free from painkillers - So that you don't have to constantly reach into the closet to take painkillers whenever the pain strikes - plus they're not good for your health in the long term anyway and don't actually do anything to actually fix the problem, but just cover it up

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Avoid dangerous operations - We'll help you get to the source of the problem quickly — often within 20 minutes, so you don't have to get to the point where you have to face surgery to fix it

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Find out what's wrong - We'll help you gain certainty and ensure that your problem is “corrected” and “healed” correctly — and we'll provide you with the perfect set of exercises to speed up your recovery

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Have more joy in life - so you can enjoy time with family and friends who can rob you of pain and finally get a good night's sleep without rolling back and forth to find the right position

If you want to know how much it costs - and what availability we have at our physiotherapy practice in Bonn Please simply click on the button below and fill out the short form:

“Here are 3 people we've helped recently”

Feel free to take a look at these case studies from other people like you who visited the Gute Joints physiotherapy team - and were significantly healthier and happier after just a few weeks: