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Causes and treatment of neck pain

How to get annoying, daily and irritating neck pain upon
Relieves naturally - before they get worse...

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When it comes to living with neck pain, everyone we see wants to know: “Why is this happening to me of all people?”...

“Why am I still suffering from neck pain even though I've been suffering from it for 6 months — sometimes even longer?”...
Most people think that the pain in the shoulder will go away by itself. They believe that they will wake up one morning and, as if “by magic,” it will be as if it never happened... But then, 6 months later, you're still living with excruciating pain that's gotten even worse than when it first happened.

Maybe you're confused because you've been told different things by different people. Maybe you think you have a neck problem — but actually the problem is in your shoulder? It's a very confusing area of the body to figure out where the problem is, and this often causes people to hesitate and shy away from making a decision about what to do to alleviate their neck and shoulder pain. Even worse, many people simply accept it as a “part of life” — as if it were normal, as if it “must be this way.”

Does that sound familiar to you?

Another situation that we often see in our physical therapy practice is that people go to the doctor and the doctor tells them to rest and “try these painkillers” to “see how it goes” - but then, 6 weeks later, they go back to the same doctor again because it hasn't improved and get another prescription for even stronger pills.

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They thought It would go away on its own — but it didn't

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You're going to the doctor went, who advised you to rest and take pain relievers - but the pills did not help, and as soon as their effect wore off, the pain in the shoulder area appeared again

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A family member or friend told you that everyone gets shoulder pain over the years, so you just accepted it

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They have sought help from other health professionals or a physical therapist in the past but nothing they said or did seemed to help

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You've tried using heat pads or TENS devices, but they didn't do anything to alleviate the pain

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You have decidedto get a few “massages” in the hope that they would fix the pain, but they just felt nice and relaxing and didn't do anything in the long term...

Has this ever happened to you before?

If any of these situations have happened to you — we'd love to help by inviting you to set up a call with one of our physical therapists to find out what can help you. The fact that you've already tried some or all of these things means we know what doesn't work — which brings us closer to finding what works. Click on the link below to set up a call with us if you'd like some sound advice:

“What can you do to get rid of shoulder pain?”...

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1. First, you must You make a decision as to whether you want to get help. So many people hesitate for so long because they think the pain “just goes away with time,” but then after 6 months, they still have to endure it, and nothing has changed... Or it gets worse.

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2. Next, you should use the CORRECT exercises Do - one of the best ways to alleviate your neck and/or shoulder pain is the right, sequential exercises - the right exercises shown to you by a physical therapist will help you reduce the pain and be able to move freely again quickly - and ensure that the problems don't come back anytime soon.

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3. Avoid sitting and sleeping in awkward positions - have you ever woken up with a sore shoulder? Or did you feel tight in your shoulders after a long day sitting? Because one of the worst things that can cause shoulder pain is poor sitting and sleeping in awkward positions. It would be really helpful if, in addition to practical treatment, you also do appropriate exercises to strengthen your posture so that you become active and healthy again as quickly as possible.

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4. Get qualified physical therapy - Physiotherapy has been proven to help people with neck and shoulder pain. In practice, good joints are actually one of the most common problems we treat. If your shoulder pain is interfering with your work, if your sleep is disrupted by tension in your shoulder, if it prevents you from being active, or if it threatens your independence and prevents you from spending time with family and friends — physical therapy can help you get back to the life you deserve as quickly as possible.

If you would like to know how the physiotherapy team at the Good Joint Practice for Physiotherapy can help you live with less shoulder pain - we invite you to make a completely free, non-binding and risk-free appointment at our practice at Berliner Freiheit 16 in Bonn.If you would like to know what costs are associated with this and what is the availability in our practice Please click on the button below and fill out the short form.

“Hear from happy customers from Good joint practice for physiotherapy

Please have a look at the case studies of other people who, like you, visited the Gute Joints physiotherapy team — and were much healthier and happier within a few weeks: