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Manual therapy is a non-invasive treatment usually involving the therapist's hands to remove muscle and bone.

What is done during the treatment?

analysis of your life situation

Part of treatment involves getting to the bottom of the cause of your symptoms by:

  • Analysis of your medical history with scientific questionnaires and anamnesis interview
  • Stress level measurement and evaluation of results
  • In-depth analysis of secondary factors such as sleep or nutrition

The analysis is tailored and carried out for you.

Create conditions for normal movement

After analysis and findings, treatment techniques are selected and a treatment plan is drawn up. It will be:

  • Mobilizing techniques performed to solve movement restrictions and expand mobility
  • Manipulative techniques used for blockages and structural imbalances
  • Resistive movements to restore muscular function

Following the manual treatment, you will be shown the individual functional exercises for you.

Functional exercises

The functional exercises are adapted to the specific symptoms and are guided and practiced in treatment according to your individual physical requirements.

lifestyle change

The cause of most musculoskeletal ailments depends on lifestyle. If you work long hours, don't exercise and don't pursue hobbies that don't physically encourage and challenge you, then changing your lifestyle is crucial to resolving your complaints.


So that the complaints can also be resolved sustainably, you will learn how to manage the complaints with targeted exercises. This is a fundamental part of manual therapeutic treatment. To equip them with the tools and resources and to enable them to deal with pain.